Analytical Writing Sample Essays

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GRE Issue Task 1
GRE Issue Task 2
GRE Issue Task 3
GRE Issue Task 4
GRE Issue Task 5
GRE Issue Task 6
GRE Issue Task 7
GRE Issue Task 8
GRE Issue Task 9

GRE Argument Task 1
GRE Argument Task 2
GRE Argument Task 3
GRE Argument Task 4
GRE Argument Task 5
GRE Argument Task 6

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Partition - Pathetic

Jojo made sure that she partitioned her fashion shows. Her latest show was a compilation of passe styles in Europe, striking the audience after her being passive for three years.

As usual, the show was not a mere pastiche of certain styles. She added her unique taste to the outfits. For example, there were modern accessories in her pastoral dresses.

Recently, Jojo established her official website to make her previous collections patent to everyone. In the very same web, she also shared some pathetic stories of her initial efforts in the world of fashion design.

For your attention: There is no fact in the text above, it is wholly made up without any harmful intention.

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Paradox - Paranoia

Lately I found out that writing stories with GRE vocabularies helps me better. I love writing, after all. This is one of them.

It is a paradox that BoA can entertain the US audience better than the local artists. She has become a paragon of an Asian singer successfully charms the Occidental. Coco Lee once had a parallelism in her career, but she was less productive.

As a famous figure, BoA has endured many negative gossips. Once, there was a rumor saying that she was a wealthy man's paramour. A softer hoax said that she took her last hiatus to struggle with her long-hidden paranoia.

For your attention: There is no fact in the text above, it is wholly made up without any harmful intention.

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Harridan (noun)

Rita Repulsa from Power Rangers was the first fictional harridan I knew. This virago was very vicious and always scolded her soldiers to attack the rangers.

what thesaurus says about this word:

Synonyms: crone, hag, nagger, shrew, strumpet, virago, vixen

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Curry (verb)

My mother often curries chicken or eggs with her secret recipe, but I like them fried.

what says about this word:

Part of Speech: noun
Definition: food seasoning
Synonyms: condiment, relish, sauce, seasoning

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Coterie (noun)

High school life is full of cliques and coteries. Teenagers tend to use such circles to identify themselves.

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Rankle (verb)

Spongebob and Patrick rankles Squidward whenever he tries to appease himself.

what says about this word:

–verb (used without object)
1. (of unpleasant feelings, experiences, etc.) to continue to cause keen irritation or bitter resentment within the mind; fester; be painful.

–verb (used with object)

to cause keen irritation or bitter resentment

what says about this word:

synonyms: aggravate, embitter, fester, nettle, pester, plague

antonyms: assuage, delight, please

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Scourge (noun)

The pirate uses a scourge to punish his slaves. He never gives them any reward.

what says about this word:

1. a whip or lash, esp. for the infliction of punishment or torture.
2. a person or thing that applies or administers punishment or severe criticism.
3. a cause of affliction or calamity: Disease and famine are scourges of humanity.

–verb (used with object)
4. to whip with a scourge; lash.
5. to punish, chastise, or criticize severely.

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Hegira (noun)

Some birds have a hegira, heading to south, before winter. Some of them may never return.

what says about this word:

Word Origin & History

1590, the flight of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina (July 16, 622 C.E.), from which event the Islamic calendar reckons. From Arabic hijrah "departure," from hajara "to depart."

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Hyperborean (noun)

Hyperboreans lives in a far northern region, so they would not stand in sultry places like Indonesia.

what says about this word:

1. Classical Mythology. one of a people supposed to live in a land of perpetual sunshine and abundance beyond the north wind.
2. an inhabitant of an extreme northern region.

3. of or pertaining to the Hyperboreans.
4. of, pertaining to, or living in a far northern region.

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Lowbrow (noun)

  • Some little girls used to think that all boys are lowbrows.
  • I think only a lowbrow would believe in this poster directly--or a little girl--and any educated person would not.

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Insipid (adjective)

Kuroyan will not tolerate any tasteless or insipid pan; he wants only exhilarating ones.

what thesaurus says about this word:

Synonyms: banal, bland, characterless, mild, mundane, nebbish, nothing, ordinary, plain, pointless, prosaic, prosy, slight, soft*, spiritless, tedious
Notes: sipid - of pleasing taste, flavor, or character - is the opposite of insipid
Antonyms: exciting, exhilarating, interesting, pleasing

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Hilarious (adjective)

Sometimes Hilary Duff is hilarious in Lizzie McGuire. This cheerful girl could be very funny!

what says about this word:

2. lively, jolly, rollicking, high-spirited.

2. sad, serious, solemn.

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Slovenly (adjective)

Usagi Tsukino is a sloppy, slovenly girl. Her parents always wish she were more careful and tidy.

what says about this word:

1. sluttish, slatternly. 2. careless, loose, disorderly.

1. neat. 2. careful.

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Limber (adjective)

A ballerina should has limber limbs. Those with rigid bodies should not be dreaming to be ones.

what says about this word:

Synonyms: agile, deft, elastic, graceful, lissome, lithe, lithesome, loose, nimble, plastic, pliable, pliant, resilient, springy, spry, supple
Antonyms: rigid, stiff, straight, unbending

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Parsimonious (adjective)

Save more in the piggy bank. Be frugal, but not stingy or parsimonious.

what says about this word:

tight, close, niggardly, miserly, illiberal, mean, penurious; avaricious, covetous.


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Perfunctory (adjective)

These housewives are desperate of their perfunctory occupation--being housewives! However, they have much money, so why do they even have to thoroughly complain?

what says about this word:

Definition: automatic, unthinking
Synonyms: apathetic, careless, cool, cursory, disinterested, going through the motions, heedless, impersonal, inattentive, indifferent, involuntary, lackadaisical, laid-back*, mechanical, negligent

Antonyms: careful, precise, thoughtful

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Penitent (adjective)

The Penitent Magdalene is a painting by Caravaggio. The woman looks so sorry there that I wish she would be unrepentant soon.

what says about this word:

1. remorseful, rueful, sorrowful.

1. unrepentant, impenitent.

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Perdition (noun)

Tom Hanks played in a movie about hell titled Road to Perdition.

what says about this word:

  1. a state of final spiritual ruin; loss of the soul; damnation.
  2. the future state of the wicked.
  3. hell
  4. utter destruction or ruin. obsolete, loss

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Penchant (noun)

Rachel has a penchant for ethnic pendants.

What says about this word:

Definition: fondness, inclination
Synonyms: affection, affinity, attachment, bias, disposition, druthers, inclining, itch, leaning, liking, partiality, predilection, predisposition, proclivity, proneness, propensity, taste, tendency, tilt, turn*, weakness, yen
Antonyms: dislike, hate, hatred, indifference

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Iniquitous (adjective)

This mosquito is a dangerous and iniquitous animal.

what says about this word:

flagitious, nefarious, perverse, evil, base, unjust, wrong.


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First Post

Hi, I haven't completed the setting. It might take a while. I'll just go on with some vocabularies. I promise you nothing in this site. It's purely made to support my learning progress toward my GRE, probably taken in August this year. Just enjoy!

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