Harridan (noun)

Rita Repulsa from Power Rangers was the first fictional harridan I knew. This virago was very vicious and always scolded her soldiers to attack the rangers.

what thesaurus says about this word:

Synonyms: crone, hag, nagger, shrew, strumpet, virago, vixen

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Curry (verb)

My mother often curries chicken or eggs with her secret recipe, but I like them fried.

what thesaurus.com says about this word:

Part of Speech: noun
Definition: food seasoning
Synonyms: condiment, relish, sauce, seasoning

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Coterie (noun)

High school life is full of cliques and coteries. Teenagers tend to use such circles to identify themselves.

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Rankle (verb)

Spongebob and Patrick rankles Squidward whenever he tries to appease himself.

what dictionary.com says about this word:

–verb (used without object)
1. (of unpleasant feelings, experiences, etc.) to continue to cause keen irritation or bitter resentment within the mind; fester; be painful.

–verb (used with object)

to cause keen irritation or bitter resentment

what thesaurus.com says about this word:

synonyms: aggravate, embitter, fester, nettle, pester, plague

antonyms: assuage, delight, please

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Scourge (noun)

The pirate uses a scourge to punish his slaves. He never gives them any reward.

what dictionary.com says about this word:

1. a whip or lash, esp. for the infliction of punishment or torture.
2. a person or thing that applies or administers punishment or severe criticism.
3. a cause of affliction or calamity: Disease and famine are scourges of humanity.

–verb (used with object)
4. to whip with a scourge; lash.
5. to punish, chastise, or criticize severely.

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