Limber (adjective)

A ballerina should has limber limbs. Those with rigid bodies should not be dreaming to be ones.

what says about this word:

Synonyms: agile, deft, elastic, graceful, lissome, lithe, lithesome, loose, nimble, plastic, pliable, pliant, resilient, springy, spry, supple
Antonyms: rigid, stiff, straight, unbending

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Parsimonious (adjective)

Save more in the piggy bank. Be frugal, but not stingy or parsimonious.

what says about this word:

tight, close, niggardly, miserly, illiberal, mean, penurious; avaricious, covetous.


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Perfunctory (adjective)

These housewives are desperate of their perfunctory occupation--being housewives! However, they have much money, so why do they even have to thoroughly complain?

what says about this word:

Definition: automatic, unthinking
Synonyms: apathetic, careless, cool, cursory, disinterested, going through the motions, heedless, impersonal, inattentive, indifferent, involuntary, lackadaisical, laid-back*, mechanical, negligent

Antonyms: careful, precise, thoughtful

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Penitent (adjective)

The Penitent Magdalene is a painting by Caravaggio. The woman looks so sorry there that I wish she would be unrepentant soon.

what says about this word:

1. remorseful, rueful, sorrowful.

1. unrepentant, impenitent.

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Perdition (noun)

Tom Hanks played in a movie about hell titled Road to Perdition.

what says about this word:

  1. a state of final spiritual ruin; loss of the soul; damnation.
  2. the future state of the wicked.
  3. hell
  4. utter destruction or ruin. obsolete, loss

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Penchant (noun)

Rachel has a penchant for ethnic pendants.

What says about this word:

Definition: fondness, inclination
Synonyms: affection, affinity, attachment, bias, disposition, druthers, inclining, itch, leaning, liking, partiality, predilection, predisposition, proclivity, proneness, propensity, taste, tendency, tilt, turn*, weakness, yen
Antonyms: dislike, hate, hatred, indifference

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Iniquitous (adjective)

This mosquito is a dangerous and iniquitous animal.

what says about this word:

flagitious, nefarious, perverse, evil, base, unjust, wrong.


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Hi, I haven't completed the setting. It might take a while. I'll just go on with some vocabularies. I promise you nothing in this site. It's purely made to support my learning progress toward my GRE, probably taken in August this year. Just enjoy!

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